Jul 31, 2017

EMPIans Exposed To Sensitivity Training: T-Group

T-Group (training group) is a facilitated experimental learning

EMPIans exposed To Sensitivity Training: T-Group

"Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets."

A T-Group (training group) is a facilitated experimental learning, focused on the here and now, in an unstructured small group setting. It is also known as Sensitivity Training or L- group (learning group). The goal is to offer people options for their behavior in groups. The aim of the T- Group is to help a person to grow with self-awareness as a precondition to making wise choices and that is exactly what all the attendees of T-Group have felt during the training process.

All fresher’s of the PGDM Programme were given the opportunity to attend Human Process Laboratory or T- group training, which commenced on 25th July in EMPI B-School with twelve eminent facilitators from the corporate world. It was conducted in 12 groups with 10 students in each group. It was five days of experiential learning. The training ended with the lighting of candles symbolizing flaming down the weaknesses and carrying strength and positive energy with them. Students were given participation certificates. 

Students enjoyed the entire session and learned a lot from it. By the end of 5 days, they took back valuable advice and feedback from the facilitators about their behavior/ thoughts which shall help them a lot when they will work in organizations.

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