How to build a relationship with your mentor?

From navigating difficult decisions to giving advice about your career choices, a mentor can guide you throughout your career. A mentor will always help you to get through the hurdles of life efficiently. Getting feedback from someone who is more experienced and successful can help you attain the next level in your growth chart. To be successful a perfect relationship requires dedication and commitment from both the mentee and mentor.

The top PGDM colleges in Delhi have trained their students by helping them form a successful relationship with their mentors. A mentor can help you build your skills, and guide you in making sound decisions that positively affect your career path as well as help you gain essential skills needed for your preferred career path.

Some of the important things to remember while building a relationship with your mentor have been mentioned here-

  • Communication– Just as any other relationship, the one with your mentor also requires effective communication. Just as it has been mentioned before, the relationship needs to be mutual. Therefore, your contribution must be equal. As your mentor how you can add value to this relationship. Taking the initiative matters a lot where your mentor will also be able to see how important it is for you.
  • Develop your listening skills– The relationship that you have with your mentor is one of the most important ones and needs a lot of nurturing. Whenever he/she is speaking, you should be listening. It is very important to pick on the little details and work on them to show that your contribution towards developing a meaningful relationship is noteworthy. Not only this, but listening will also help you set your target and goals along the same lines that are best for you.
  • Genuine feedback– Just as with business organizations that utilise the valuable feedback by customers to serve better in the future, you can also make good use of the feedback given by your mentor. Be open to criticisms so as to work on your shortcomings. Through these genuine feedbacks, your mentor will be able to deliver strategic advice that will be beneficial in the long run.
  • Avoid passivity– Although it is the job of the mentor to train you and make sure that you have an over-all development, there are plenty of initiatives that you can take too. For starters, avoid being all passive. It impresses the mentor if one has an active approach. To be a good mentee, it is always necessary to have equal participation under all circumstances. This will also help to develop a certain personality that would not be afraid of taking challenges independently.
  • Maintaining a progress report– The relationship that you have with your mentor also depends a lot on your learning progress and performance which will indirectly tell the mentor whether or not they have done a good job. It is very important to maintain a regular progress report via email that will help both the parties to analyze the quality of performance and work for a better future. The mentee must make sure to maintain a healthy relationship by expressing how each meeting/session with the mentor has impacted him or her. It will also help them mentor your better.
  • Always prepare an agenda– For each session or meeting, prepare an agenda. It is not a good idea to overburden the mentor with questions. One must have an organised approach towards tackling every situation. The meeting must not end with numerous unresolved agendas. Time allotment is also very important. When you prepare your agendas, make sure you allot a specific time for a single query to get through the entire session on time. A long-drawn discussion resulting in multiple unresolved queries won’t be pleasant for either of the parties. It represents a more professional and productive

Having a valuable relationship with your mentor will surely pay off in the long run. You have to be confident enough to be active but also humble enough to listen and work on the necessary areas. The mentor-mentee relationship is a two-way street where both parties must have a notable contribution towards each other. The AICTE approved PGDM colleges in Delhi will help you develop a meaningful relationship with your mentors from respective fields to ensure a steady overall personality development.

The innovative and futuristic vision has helped EMPI feature in the reputed list of PGDM colleges in Delhi. Their mission is to impact young minds with an inter-disciplinary and innovative curriculum. Their world-class academia, research and consulting facilities will complete your search for knowledge.

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