6 Ways to Keep the Entrepreneur Inside You Alive

What do companies like Google, Apple and Virgin have in common? True, they are big companies but they also know how to keep the entrepreneurial spirit alive among their employees. In fact, most big companies are not hiring candidates who do not possess an entrepreneurial mindset which only goes on to show that you do not have to be a founder of a startup now to be an entrepreneur. You can no longer just fit into jobs. You can no longer expect just to solve routine problems. Entrepreneurial training has already begun in the top PGDM colleges in Delhi and you need to keep the teachings alive. Here are 6 ways to do that. Become an entrepreneurial employee and let success find you instead of the other way around.

  1. Act like the founder even when you are not

In other words, take ownership of the task at hand, be accountable for whatever happens. When you own your job, you bring passion into work, show more responsibility and manage with greater zeal and enthusiasm. Companies are looking for accountable employees who can be mini-founders in various departments and get the job done without micromanagement. if you believe that you are responsible for the company, you start finding solutions instead of allowing the problems to linger.

  1. Work with other departments

The cross-pollination approach! As a member of the marketing or sales team, avoid shying away from opportunities where you can work with a team from finances, operations or shipping. This will give you a broad view of what is going on where in the company and you can come up with unique ideas to either better your marketing approach or deliver stunning results with a limited budget. Often, inter-departmental strife happens because the two teams do not understand each other. Entrepreneurs, however, play a different board game.

  1. Maintain an idea journal

Most entrepreneurial best pgdm colleges in delhi ncrwill encourage you to do this and you should preserve the habit well into your professional life. No matter how absurd the idea, you need to write them down for a time it can become a reality. Flip the pages from time to time to test viability. Even if you are not leaving your job and starting up a company, one of these ideas can help you to solve an immediate problem in your job. Entrepreneurs are always full of ideas and they will get lost if they reside just in your memory.

  1. Avoid sticking to the rule-book

Rules and restrictions stifle creativity. If your company is allowing you to innovate, try to depend less on the management text that you learned in your B-School and create a style on the spot. Sure, your PGDM training can act as a foundation but it cannot dictate your procedure. You need to be creative, allow your imagination to run wild and innovate as per the situation. Entrepreneurs are known to think on their feet. Turn this into a habit and avoid the rule-book unless extremely necessary.

  1. Take all opinions into account

Thoughtful and inclusive discussion – this is what the top PGDM college in Delhi NCR tries to instill among its students. When placed in a position of supervision, it is easy to become single-minded. And my-way-or-no-way is never the strategy of a true entrepreneur. Every day, take an open mind to your work. No matter where the opinion is coming from, give the perspective a place in the meeting. The best ideas of this world have come from multiple minds and you will need to remind yourself that often.

  1. Ask for and accept feedback

You will know when you have done a great job. Still, ask your colleagues to give you input as to where all you can improve. Similarly, when you have not delivered as expected, be courageous enough to face reality and listen to the criticisms. The entrepreneur inside you needs constant nurturing and feedback is the fuel it needs daily. Without it, you become stagnant and growth ceases. So, seek out feedback even if it is not available. And work upon them continuously to become a better employee.

Staying entrepreneurial is all about the mindset you develop. Skills help, talent is a benefit, but how you look at things and tackle problems define the type of entrepreneur you harbour. The EMPI B-School in New Delhi helps you to find your unique entrepreneurial style by exposing you to an ambiance that is hinged on innovation. The PGDM course is crafted to make every graduate an entrepreneur first and then a model manager. Most aspects of your life require training. And if you seek to train to become a top entrepreneur, a few other places can match up to the standards of EMPI.

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