EMPI-The Indian Express Indian Innovation Awards
(Initiated by EMPI Institutions in 2005)
India’s First Organizational Innovation Search Process under ‘Mission Innovative India’
EMPI conceptualized and initiated India’s first organizational innovation search process. The Awards-first of its kind in India for accelerating India’s Organizational Innovation Movement, was conceptualized by Mr. Pankaj Saran, President, EMPI Group and Dr. Ashok Jain, Vice-President (Academic Development & Research), in the year 2003, when they felt the need to recognize innovative organizations, that are the real engines of socio-economic growth as distinct from individual inventions. Thus, EMPI identified the missing link i.e. A mechanism that should focally enthuse organizations to do things innovatively. The awards for the first time brought and recognized organizational innovations across diverse sectors in corporate, non-corporate, government and network of organizations in one platform.
The awards are part of the larger ‘MISSION INNOVATIVE INDIA’ which was blessed by the President of India Hon’ble Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, in 2005.
The entire movement also received fillip in the year 2006 when EMPI joined hands with The Indian Express and thereafter the Awards were re-christened as the EMPI-The Indian Express Indian Innovation Awards. Further, the association of the Boston Consulting Group with the Awards in the same year as the Research Partner and Process Validator, further helped in strengthening and giving credibility to the Awards.
As part of the Mission Innovative India Movement, the following activities were taken up:
Involvement of students and faculty as Innovation Scouts in the search process
Launch of the EMPI journal on interdisciplinary perspectives –‘Innovations’
Dissemination of innovation stories by the media
Introduction of the ‘International India Innovations Programme’ for International faculty, researchers and students.
Conducting jointly with the prestigious India International Centre, New Delhi, lecture series on the ‘The Change Agents –Innovative Indian Organizations’
EMPI's Mission Innovative India
Launched by President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam in 2005
- Data is of EMPI Indian Innovation Awards
EMPI Indian-Express Indian Innovation Awards
Interview of Award Winners
We Think for India-WTI
India’s first Participative Public Policy Forum
EMPI conceived and structured India’s first Participative Public Policy Forum on National Manufacturing Sector Policy in 2003 along with FICCI and Business World called ‘We Think for India’ (WTI) under the chairmanship of Justice Ranganath Mishra, Fmr. Chief Justice of India; Dr. R.A. Mashelkar, Fmr. DG, CSIR; Mr. Vittal, Fmr. CVC and Mr. L.V. Saptarishi, Fmr. Addl. Commerce Secretary, Government of India. 166 teams from across the countryparticipated including the IITs, IIMs, consulting firms like KPMG and corporates like TATAs,BHEL etc. The culmination of the competition was at the Prime Minister’s residence where the then Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee gave away the awards to the top teams. A book on ‘India’s Manufacturing Sector–Policy Framework’ was released in the presence of Shri. Arun Jaitley, Minister of Law, Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India WTI was the first kind of its effort in the country wherein students and faculty cametogether tocontribute to policy making and it proved to be a successful model in shapingthe policy narrative of Manufacturing in India
Research & Business Analytics Programme
India’s First Research & Business Analytics Programme
AI Infused PGDM
India’s First AI infused PGDM
A PGDM programme with a difference that integrates artificial intelligence to prepare students better for industry 5.0 across industries and sectors.
AI Lab
India’s First Management institution with state-of-the-art AI lab
The AI Lab was jointly set up with IBM.
Online Psychometric Instruments
India’s First online Psychometric Instruments created by Father of Indian HRD
SAFI is an asset of electronically enabled psychometric tools, extensively researched, totally reliable and validated. These tools are developed by the “HRD Guru” Dr. Udai Pareek, and aim at catering to all the needs of organizational and individual development. SAFI tools are tried and tested not only in India but also abroad. They cover the various aspects of human behavior and wide range of organizational aspects. They are designed to assess management styles, leadership styles, role efficacy, team effectiveness, organizational culture & climate, parental styles, teaching styles, student styles etc. SAFI reports are quite elaborate
with respondent’s scores, interpretation and suggestions for improvement.
The software developed for the various tests are available in Dr.Pareek’s book Training Instruments in HRD & OD (2nd Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002). These software-generated feedback reports are now made available to public globally by putting them online.
Atal Incubation Centre - EMPI
India’s First incubation Centre based on the concept of ecosystem creation rather than individual incubate incubation
New, Clean & Intelligent Mobility Mission Festival
India’s First Mobility Festival
EMPI Institutions and it’s Atal Incubation Centre, supported by Niti Aayog, Govt. of India; conducted India’s first Mobility Mission Festival (MoMi) on Mobility Design, Technology and Business for Vehicles of the Future – Electric, Connected, Autonomous and Shared at the EMPI Campus. The Festival was organized in association with Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, GoI, Nissan as Mission Partner and Ricardo as Knowledge Partner.
300 Engineering and Management students and start-ups from pan India and internationally from countries such as Bangladesh, Vietnam, Philippines, Fiji, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Taiwan enthusiastically registered and participated in the festival. The festival consisted of different track events spread over 30 hours. The Hackathon had multiple real life problem tracks identified by the industry and a large mentor team from the auto ecosystem. In the Designathon, Brandathon and Pitchathon leading experts conducted masterclasses and gave problems for the teams to solve. In Pitchathon teams with Business ideas underwent a masterclass on structuring Business Plans and then improved and refined them for making an actual pitch to the investors. The Makeathon consisted of teams from India and abroad wherein student teams from various colleges had prepared innovative working prototypes ranging from a Retrofit motorcycle to a submarine to detect oil spills and plastic waste in oceans. The Expo consisted of state-of-the-art vehicles demonstrated for display and test drives by leading companies and start-ups like Nissan, Hyundai, Tatas, EESL Gowel, Areon Mobility, M2GO, RNA Innovations amongst others. Nissan displayed their yet to be launched Leaf 2 and their innovative power note, an E-car with a range extender.
Top Experts led by Mr. Srihari Mulgund, President, Ricardo (Asia), one of the world’s largest automotive consulting companies said, “The experience at the festival has been phenomenal. The excitement, energy, and creative ideas from the students have been unbelievable.” The college students and start-ups who participated at the festival were highly impressed and excited about this first of its kind power packed festival.
India’s First International Innovation Grand Challenge on
REmote Monitoring, Evaluation, Diagnostics, Intervention, AnalYtics in Healthcare
Women Entrepreneurship Development Programme on BoTs
India's First Women Botpreneur Training Programme
EMPI Business School and its Atal Incubation Centre conducted India’s first a month long, Women Botpreneur Training Programme in association with Automation Anywhere, USA and Department of Science Technology, Government of India.
Today the AI equipped workforce is rebalancing workload between people and AI bots, eliminating repetitive tasks to enable human creativity and ingenuity to solve higher value business challenges. This new era of work requires new sets of skills and ideas to help businesses across the world. The programme with the objective of empowering the women workforce conducted a structured capacity building training to discover the world’s largest robotic process automation ecosystem for their respective budding businesses in different domains. The participants were trained in state-of art AI and BoT lab. They were given hands-on training to develop automated robotic processes on various domains viz. recruitment, logistics, supply chain, product marketing, financial planning, resource management, finance and operations. Participants also received sessions on monetization of the BoT store.
Innovation Clusters – Cities & Parks
A First set of Innovation cities – High Technology cluster integrating industry, academia and community
EMPI has, for the first time in India, conceived, incubated and is now implementing India’s first innovation cities, in Gujarat and in Bangalore. The two Projects structurally integrate High-Tech Industry, Academia and world-class Community and are joined in by the State Governments of Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh with International participation from the Governments of Korea and Taiwan. EMPI as the consortia leader has structured the Projects both Technically and Financially through separate SPVs and is providing the lead for Education, Skill Development, R&D and Innovation Incubation. The Andhra Project, 50 minutes from the Bangalore Airport, has been christened as the Andhra Pradesh Aerospace & Defence, Electronics Park and aims to be India’s pioneering Science park. The Project is led by Padma Bhushan Mr. N. Vittal, enabler of India’s Software & Telecom revolution.
Andhra Pradesh Aerospace & Defence Cluster
India’s First planned innovation cluster focused on Aerospace, Defence & Electronics (APADE) by EMPI Innovation Park
Jointly promoted by the EMPI Innovation Park with the AP Government, a planned cluster that comprises of high-technology, aerospace, defence, electronics companies across the value chain, wherein talent development, skill development, R&D centers and a state-of-the-art infrastructure is integrated in a modern campus like eco-friendly environment. The project is located at a 50 min drive from the Bangalore airport.