Apr 15, 2018

Farewell Party, “Adios Amigos” for Batch 2016-18

Farewell Party, “Adios Amigos” for Batch 2016-18
Farewell party 'Adios Amigos 18' was organised for the passing-out students of Batch 2016-18 of EMPI on April 15, 2018 by the students of batch 2017-19. The function began with a film on their life at EMPI followed by interesting games and dance performances from the students of both batches. Students were offered a memento with a creative tagline on it and other titles were also given like Mr. & Ms. Personality, Mr. & Ms. Intelligent, Mr. & Ms. Farewell, etc. The night ended on both an ecstatic and emotional tone recollecting the two years of bonding and togetherness that they had shared. They expressed their deep love and gratitude to the management, teachers and juniors of EMPI. Finally the night ended with a delectable dinner and DJ party.

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